History, The first foot step was taken in 1991 with the help of Lion Kundanmal Bhartiya who donated. 27000 k Sq. Ft Land for establishing the Hospital. Lions international Foundation sanctioned the sight first grant in 1993. Then 1996 the hospital came in its shape.
The lions EYE Hospital Jaora was established with the vision of providing the comprehensive eye care service to public of the town and all villages.
The Lions Eye hospital Jaora was established with the vision of providing the comprehensive Eye Care Services to the public of the town and all near by villegers.
The Mission of this hospital is to eradicate the blindness from the area and to provide a continuous and Sustainable Blindness Controll Services. The Lions Club international foundation under its "Sight First" programme is committed to serve all kind of Blindness to the every mankind.
It gives me immens pleasure to express my greetings at the Eve of
Launching web site of the Lions eye hospital jaora.
The Mission of this hospital is to eradicate the blindness of
all kind from the cachment area with in our reach i am very much
happy to say that Eye patient from diffrent states Like M.P.
RaJasthan, Gujrat. Maharastra and Andhrapradesh are coming
for the diagnosis and treatment.
India is the first country in the world to launch NPCB Programme
nation Vide in the year 1976 the national programme for control
of Blindness, with a motive to reduce the blindness up to 0.3%
From 2% . Jaora Lions eye hospital is playing important role in
this National programme by providing comprehensive Eye care
services and eradicating the blindness due to Cataract and other
Illateracy and the old age are the two major reasons of blindness.
As per survey in India Blindness due to Cataract is 66.2%, Corneal
opacity is 8.2%, Cataract surgical complication 7.2 %, Posterior
segment disorder 5.9% and Glaucoma 5.5%.
The seven main cause of blindness are— Cataract, Glaucoma
Diabetic retinopathy, age related macular degeneration, corneal
opacity, Trachoma, un corrected refractive errors.
Everyone should be careful about our eyes. Get a routine checkup
and be aware of the Eye diseases.
Best Wishes and Thanks to all valuable viewers. Join your Hands
to eradicate
the blindness from our Nation.
My best wishes to all Lion members. and Lions charitable trust for initiating a web site of Lions Eye Hospital Jaora. This will open anew vista about our hospital and will be helpful for the needy persons. As fog as the achievements of this hospital is concerned we all know about outreach activities = well as the Services provided by our hospital. For I personally thanks to all Lion members and the staff gf the golden past and the glorious future. My special thanks to Lion Dr.S.C. Mehta Chairman for his dedicated efforts in the preparation of this web site. Thanks to all.
Our advance culture, enviroment, treatment & high quality Eyecare in affordable cost are many off the reason why patients choose to come to us for some effectively lifesaving results.
Years Of Experience
Lions club Jaora now organising Eyes camps. Since 1977, and doing Cataract Surgeries. Than later on our own Eye hospital is established in 1996 Since than we are providing the Eye care Services to the Community.
Well Smiley Faces
Awards Holded
Lions International has
given many
prestigious award to this hospital.
sight first
award for Eye care services,
Top Ten award among the world.
clubs for
diabetic awareness and survey.
Understanding award.
Ranking of this hospital is in
Top Ten Sight first hospital among
one hundread twenty
hospitals all over india.